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                            FERME CONTENEUR                            

ferme conteneur
container farm

• Seedling development

• Growing vegetables and fruits

• Microgreen cultivation

• Cultivation of medicinal aromatic plants

• Forage cultivation

• Cannabis cultivation


• Equipped with advanced tracking and communication technology devices.

• Grows plants without human force thanks to artificial intelligence.

• Ensures uninterrupted production for 12 months of the year.

• 60% less energy consumption than other container farms

• Special energy-saving heating and cooling systems
of energy are used.

• Solar energy can be integrated into 88% of production opportunities in
more compared to other technologies.

• Special fully insulated containers.



• Growing area and growing method: Indoor growing is done in containers/greenhouses.

• The growing area/container is completely enclosed, well insulated and air-conditioned.

• The door is locked and protected.

• 24 hour surveillance with continuous camera and is open circuit.

• The greenhouse produces its own irrigation water for use in production and electrical energy
with the photovoltaic system.

• These are the world's first greenhouses with daylight transfer technology.
By taking sunlight into the greenhouse, plants benefit from the positive effect of light
sunshine on yield and quality.

• There is an automatic sterilization unit.

• The system also includes a drying mode with an anti-odor carbon filter.

• The system saves money by tracking, recording and analyzing
plant feeding and irrigation cycles, giving plants the nutrients they need
need it exactly when they need it and in the quantity required.

• With LED lights and accompanying software, lighting levels and spectrums
are programmed and customized for different plants. This way, the harvest time
is shortened, higher yields are achieved and energy consumption is reduced.

• Lighting is managed with automation to meet the light needs of different
wavelengths depending on the plant type and growing period. If necessary, applications
which will increase the quality and durability of the plant, such as light shocks, are permitted.

• Automation system: it has enough channels for ventilation, air conditioning,
lighting scenarios, carbon dioxide supply, pH dosing, EC control and
plant nutrition and allows for various scenarios.

• Greenhouses with different hardware and software can be produced for vegetables such as
than tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers…, fodder crops, hemp,
mushrooms, lettuce, green herbaceous plants, fruits such as raspberries, strawberries, etc.,

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